I think my canary is sick. He is 4-5 years old and these symptoms started about a month ago. He started sitting at the corner of the cage. He fell in food box twice and i had to get him out. About a week ago he started whining(he stopped yesterday). Today I noticed he was picking on his leg and he was scratching his body. None of the vets in my area seem to know anything about canarys, it's hard to even find their food in my country. Yesterday I talked to man i buy their food from. He...
Sick Canary?
I think my canary is sick. He is 4-5 years old and these symptoms started about a month ago. He started sitting at the corner of the cage. He fell in food box twice and i had to get him out. About a week ago he started whining(he stopped yesterday). Today I noticed he was picking on his leg and he was scratching his body. None of the vets in my area seem to know anything about canarys, it's hard to even find their food in my country. Yesterday I talked to man i buy their food from. He...
Sick Canary?